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DAQ 是一个来自西班牙的潮流艺术家组合,作品风格鲜明立体,色彩饱满。他们的作品深蕴对未来的独特幻想,擅长透过各种极具立体感、纹理感、以及质感的内容和元素,为作品充分带来极具辨识度与立体感的鲜明形象,备受宜家、麦当劳、Adobe、Spotify 等多个世界知名品牌青睐。

- 巴塞罗那市议会活动(铜奖)
- Latin American Ilustración 8 organized by AI-AP for Yorokobu Cover
- C de C Gold in Interactive for Notegraphy
- Sol Silver in Mobile for Notegraphy
- Laus Silver 2014 in Web an Digital Media for Notegraphy
- Laus Silver 2014 in Web and Digital Media for Material Sensible Getty Images
- Laus Bronze 2014 in Audiovisual for Material Sensible Getty Images
- 作品多次受知名媒体杂志采访报道

Adobe, 麦当劳 McDonalds, 企鹅兰登书屋Penguin Random House, 宜家Ikea, Spotify, Bombay Sapphire, Courrier International, Die Zeit, BBVA, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Getty Images, GQ Magazine, L'Express, INC. Magazine, Martini, Novartis, The New Yorker, Politico, Renault, Stylist Magazine, Telefonica, Virgin Mobile, Wired 等等。